Apartment / 泰銖690萬起


Country: 泰國 / Thailand
City: Bangkok
Property Type: Apartment
Address: 69 Soi Sukhumvit 31,Sukhumvit Road, Khongtoey Nue,Wattana, Bangkok 10110 - See more at: http://www.estateap.com/project/project.aspx?BuildID=2171#sthash.y1IdB8XR.dpuf
Listing Price: 泰銖690萬起
Built Up: 48.50-122 Sqf.
Floor Plan: 11戶 (2-7F) ,8戶 (8F)
Developer: (Apollo Asset Co., Ltd)Vogue Property Co., Ltd
Location: Bangkok
Completion Date: 2013
Total Units/Lots: 1room、2 rooms
Total Households: 74
Tenure: 永久產權









配備齊全 附: 冷氣,電視,冰箱,微波爐,洗衣機,床架,窗簾和壁紙



*搶手承租權  近期租金行情: 35000泰銖/每平方米






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